Sasa Drace
My research focuses on the relationship between affective states and self-favoring biases in social comparison and risk perception judgment. Self-favoring biases are erroneous or illusory perceptions of self-other differences in a self-serving direction. They include, among other biases, unrealistic optimism or the expectation of a better future for oneself than for others. Most recently my theoretical interest and my work on this problem have focused on how positive versus negative mood could influence on phenomenon of comparative optimism (Drace, Desrichard, Shepperd, & Hoorens, 2009). My current work focuses on the role of specific emotions and corresponding emotional appraisals (e.g., control, certainty) in risk perception judgment (Drace & Ric, 2012). My colleagues and me also explore potential influence of artifacts in research involving affects (Drace, Ric, & Desrichard, 2010).
My second area of research focuses on the relationship between mood and memory. More precisely we are trying to determine the role of affective priming in mood congruence effect in autobiographical recall (Drac, 2013; Drace & Desrichard, 2013)
Primary Interests:
- Aggression, Conflict, Peace
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Emotion, Mood, Affect
- Intergroup Relations
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Social Cognition
Journal Articles:
- Drace, S., Desrichard, O., Shepperd, A. J., & Hoorens, V. (2009). Does mood really influence comparative optimism? Tracking an elusive effect. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 579-599.
- Drace, S., Efendic, E., Hadziahmetovic, N. (2015). The relation among intrinsic religiosity, religious fundamentalism and attitudes towards out-groups in Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Primenjena psihologija. 8(4), 379-394.
- Drace, S., Efendic, E., Maric, N. (2015). The effect of negative mood intensity on recall of autobiographic memories: Evidence for the role of affect in mood congruence effect. Review of Psychology. 22(1-2), 3-9.
- Drace, S. & Ric, F. (2012). The Effect of Emotions on Risk Perception: Experimental Evaluation of Affective Tendencies Framework. Psihologija, 45(4), 419-416.
- Drace, S., Ric, F., & Desrichard, O. (2010). Affective biases in likelihood perception: A possible role of experimental demand in mood-congruence effects. International Review of Social Psychology, 23(1), 93-109.
- Drače, S., Desrichard, O. (2013). Mood congruence effect in autobiographical recall: Is mood a mediator? Psihologija. 46(3), 217-228
- Drače, S., Efendić, E., Kusturica, M., Landžo, L. (2013). Cross-cultural validation of the “International Affective Picture System” (IAPS) on a sample from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Psihologija. 46(1), 17-26.
- Efendić, E., Drače, S. (2015). The influence of affect on suboptimal strategy choice in the Monty Hall dilemma. Psihologija. 48(2), 135–147
- Drace, S., Korlat, S. & Djokic, R. (in press). When stereotype threat makes me more or less intelligent: The informative role of emotions in effort mobilization and task performance. British Journal of Social Psychology.
- Muheljic, A., Drace, S. (2018). University socialization and the acceptance of anti-egalitarian ideology: The underlying role of extrinsic life goals. European Journal of Social Psychology. 48(1), O73-O80.
- Drače, S. (2013). Evidence for the role of affect in mood congruent recall of autobiographic memories. Motivation and Emotion. 37, 623-628.
Sasa Drace
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology
University of Sarajevo
Franje Rackog 1
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina